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Tech: brake pad rattle

My Hawke Carbon mettalic front pads on the front of my 1990 Corrado came 
without spring clips, which is susposedly normal. Initially there was no 
problem, just great braking and the squeal that comes with hard use!  However, 
now after about 10,000 km and my first slalom where I could use the brakes 
hard, my right front pad is loose and I can hear it rattle as I drive. The 
left pads are fine. Has/does anyone have this same experience? Why only one 
side? What is the fix?

 I saw something where a indy/F1 mechanic was putting a drop of super glue on 
the back of a bad to fix it in place, is there any reason why this wouldn't 

These brakes provide pretty fantastic stopping power compared to the metal 
master brakes and don't cause rotor wear or cracking the way the metal masters 
seem too ( I guess I just drive too hard for slagmasters)...though I haven't 
had any track time with this car yet.

Does anyone use Hawke pads on their Quattros?

Thanks in Advance
1990 Corrado G60 125,000km
1986 5000 CD Quattro 305,000 km