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Re: A future A4 owner asking questions....

Boston Area Q-listers and A4 owners in particular,
   The previous post asking for A4 information, is from an old acquaintance
of mine. She is not a member of the list, as she does not yet own an Audi.
She is quite adamant about owning an A4, although I had to talk her out of
settling for a VW Jetta III when she found out how long she'd have to wait
for an A4. Thanks in advance for any information that you can give to a
future A4 owner and fan, I consider it a personal favor to me.

Oh, one other thing, Lorraine is using an antiquated email system that does
not make use of subject lines, so we'll have to cut her some slack on

Sean Ford
sean@nwh.org                       '92 Audi 100CS 5spd 21K mi
Newton-Wellesley Hospital      '89 Suzuki Katana 600 14K mi
Newton, MA  02162 (USA)      http://www.geocities.com/motorcity/downs/5528

> From: lel@meditech.com
> To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> Subject: 
> Date: Wednesday, June 11, 1997 10:50 AM
>   TO:  A4 Owners
> FROM:  lel@meditech.com