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Re: Car Rental IN EUROPE

It might pay to check anyway, Hertz for one only
restricts class J and above cars from going into 

- Douglas

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>From palermo!sun4nl!coimbra.ans.net!owner-quattro Thu Jun 12 08:24 MET 1997
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Reply-To: palermo!sievers.com!phil
To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net
Subject: Car Rental IN EUROPE
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In message <339F21F1.E6699671@Prodigy.net> Dariusz Leszek Leszko writes:

> I am looking to rent out a car in Germany, and take it into Poland and
> Austria.

Austria is no problem.  No car rental company on this earth will let you take a 
car into Poland.  A very high percentage don't come back.

 Phil Payne
 Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club

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