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RE: Car Rental IN EUROPE

Indeed thieves do travel. Most of the cars stolen in Germany and Holland end
up in former Eastern block countries. But if your rental is stolen in Poland 
and you have not informed your rental company that the car is going to that 
country, you are not covered by the insurance.

food for thought

- Douglas

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>From palermo!sun4nl!coimbra.ans.net!owner-quattro Thu Jun 12 13:22 MET 1997
>Received: from coimbra.ans.net by sun4nl.NL.net (5.65b/NLnet-3.4)
	id AA00787; Thu, 12 Jun 1997 12:25:38 +0200
To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net, "'phil@sievers.com'" <phil@sievers.com>
Subject: RE: Car Rental IN EUROPE
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How would they know where did he take the car? And BTW, I drive my 5K to
work every day, park it on the street where it stands 8 hours. I do it
for 3 years and only once some jerk tried to steal my radio ( but I
bolted it really tough! :-) ). I think there is the same probability of
car being stolen in Germany ( thieves DO travel! )

				5KCST, Warsaw, Poland

	>In message <339F21F1.E6699671@Prodigy.net> Dariusz >Leszek
Leszko writes:

	>> I am looking to rent out a car in Germany, and >take it into
Poland and
	>> Austria.

	>Austria is no problem.  No car rental company on >this earth
will let you take a 
	>car into Poland.  A very high percentage don't come >back.

	> Phil Payne
	> phil@sievers.com
	> Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club

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