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No ground return for horn (was engine cl

From: cyclops@mindlink.bc.ca (cyclops)

>ps audi stuff- my cars horn didn't work when i purchased it used almost a
>year ago. voltage was getting to the slider and the horn button but there
>was no ground return. the ground disappeared at the joint in the steering
>column where the upper section slides into the nylon bushings of the lower
>half. i rigged a jumper around this joint, so it works now, but could find
>no evidence of what should have been there. any ideas??????????

I had exactly the same problem on my VW Jetta 10 years ago.  The ground 
wasn't getting through the UJ near the bottom of the steering column.  I got 
over the problem by fabricating a phosphor-bronze strip which pressed 
against the column in the gap below the steering wheel.

1984 Audi 80 quattro
1989 Audi 100 Avant