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Audi & Subaru reviews

> Web pages to checkout
> some for those Subaru fans
> http://www.smh.com.au/drive/content/tests/new/960524-new.html
> and some Audi fans
> http://www.smh.com.au/drive/archive/970124/tests-new/970124-new.html
> http://www.smh.com.au/drive/content/tests/new/960803-new.html

And, today, from the same source:

Friday June 13, 1997  

Hollywood howdy

Felicity Kennett's deal with BMW looks tame against Audi's Hollywood
takeover. The Germans are giving free cars to Jay Leno, Jerry Seinfield,
Quincy Jones and 21 other celebs who only have to be seen in their
freebie Audi A8s.

Chris Palmer (1995.5 S6 Wagon)              "Ashes to ashes,
Data General Corporation                     dust to dust,
Enterprise Solutions Engineering Division    If Lillee don't get yer,
chris_palmer@dg.com                          Thommo must!"