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RE: Killer engines - a real thread

Plus don't we need to pay attention to things like cylinder bore
spacing, and what the ends of the crankshaft look like? Not to mention
what kind of pistons can be fitted to the conn rods. Plus, *I'm*
interested in the 7A or 3B motors <VBG>, less so for the MC ones. Would
the Eurovan crank and rods be happy at 7K rpm? Wandering minds
-Ian Duff.
	-----Original Message-----
	From:	Graydon D. Stuckey [SMTP:graydon@apollo.gmi.edu]
	Sent:	Friday, 13 June 1997 4:20 PM
	To:	Duff, Ian
	Cc:	ScottyCBoy@aol.com; rudack@ucsub.Colorado.EDU;
	Subject:	RE: Killer engines - a real thread

	On Fri, 13 Jun 1997, Duff, Ian wrote:

	> How about forgetting the short block, and just going with the
crank and
	> connecting rods, with new pistons, into your existing block?
Would the
	> crank fit the journals? Would the cylinder skirts and conn
rods get
	> intimate?

	I guess I'm about to start calculations.   What is the bore and
stroke of 
	the Eurovan?   What is the deck height?  (I am guessing that the
	height is taller than the MC engine here)


	Graydon D. Stuckey 

	"Cool name man!" - Jay Graydon   :-)