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Re: S.P.E.A.R.C.O.intercooler guys??

-- [ From: Huw Powell * EMC.Ver #3.1a ] --

I hate to stick my head into the deep end here but...

>I have to think about this for a minute, but doesn't temperature and
pressure completely define the density of a gas in terms of variables?

I think you are correct there.

>I guess humidity would lower the oxygen density

But not there. - I think.  The water just adds to the mix, making it heavier
and .... wet.  Sorry if I'm wrong.

I think the key measurements would be ambient temp and pressure vs.
resulting inlet temp and pressure.  Which is what Ross is measuring, right?

What do I know, I haven't had a turbocharger in four years (where was this
list when I needed to fix that darn waste gate? stuck open, stuck shut, I
just gave up)

Huw Powell
HUMAN Speakers