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Re: my little secret

-- [ From: Huw Powell * EMC.Ver #3.1a ] --

> > (side note - why must the cops always tailgate you before pulling you
> It's to see if you'll spook and run.
This happened to me last year, 35 mph zone, me at 40, cop at ?50? ran right
up my er, butt, I first tapped my brakes ("you bozo get off my butt I'm
already speeding, don't you know there are cops around here") then I
practically swerved into the ditch to get out of his way - still thinking it
was some alcohol & testosterone poisoned moron - so I look left to watch him
go by and - no car!  He's still behind me and finally, about the time I'm
going 5 mph and getting nervous (where's that 2" black pipe when I need it?)
he turns on his blues and has the nerve to warn me about speeding.  I should
have given him a ticket for trying to kill us both!

It's a dangerous practice, I always thought they were trying to get you to
speed up so it would be a better/viable ticket situation.  I thought the
real crooks just shot the cops when they came up to the car.  Which is why
the cops are always so nervous in that moment of truth.  They've seen the
same movies I have.

>Your first reaction SHOULD be to slam on the brakes as hard as possible. 
To avoid that shadow that you thought was a deer running out into the road. 

Bet the judge won't buy it.  You'll just buy the cruiser a new grille and
headlights with your soon-to-go-up-in-price insurance policy.

Huw Powell
HUMAN Speakers