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Re: Automotive Books Relevant to Audi

In a message dated 97-06-12 14:53:31 EDT, Pete_Kraus@EMORY.ORG (Pete Kraus)

<< I have a soft-cover book entitled A History of Progress 1988, published
 in house by Audi.  There is no ISBN, no author.  In fact, the only
 publication reference consists of Audi's Ingolstadt address on the back
 Every historically-minded Audi fan would want a copy.  Unfortunately, I
 haven't a clue where to obtain one.  I don't even recall where I got mine,
 probably at a used book store somewhere in the U.S. (I seek out used
 book stores wherever I travel).  Does anyone know whether they were
 available originally through dealers' parts departments? >>

This is an in-house publication of Audi AG.  In the past, dealers were able
to order quantities for their own use and to give/sell to customers.  This
kind of "vanity" publishing is not uncommon in the industry.  I have the GM
75th anniversary book, the Volvo book, and (ta da....) the latest version of
the Audi book. It's now a nice hardcover, 9 1/2" x 8 1/2" and runs 278 pages.
However, my copy is in German (Das Rad der Zeit).  I understand that an
English version is to be available imminently, at least in Europe.

Here is the question to you listers:  Does anybody have an interest in
getting in on a quantity buy of the new book?  I'll try to find out about
availability and cost.  What I'd like is a show of hands on who might like
copies and how many copies you'd like.  Let's say that, for talking purposes,
the book cost $20, delivered to your address.  Who would be interested?  Send
me a private E-mail to avoid needless list clutter (ScharfR@aol.com).  And
yes, I would expect to make a few capitalist dollars on the enterprise.
 Anyone more altruistic (and less economically driven) than me is perfectly
welcome to put together the same plan.