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Please, Audi godz...

Hey, Audi godz....you listening?

I've done my part.  Really, I have.

I lived with the front end clunk for a year.  I crawled all over the 
car and replaced motor mounts, sub-frame mounts, and then finally 
gave it to the shop.  $795 later I got it back after they pulled the 
sub-frame, welded in washers to fix the oval holes where the control 
arms mount and replaced numerous parts.

And now I have a small clunk back.

And when the car stopped dead and my wife and kids walked home two 
miles (while I was 2,000 miles away) we waited three weeks for the 
shop to figure out how to deactivate the air bag, work their way into 
the dash, pull everything out and replace the ignition lock.  We 
drove my 10 mpg Chevy pickup  in the meantime.  At least they only 
charged $285 for the work, reflecting MANY hours less labor than they 
actually invested in the job.

But now I find that the radiator fan is not running after I shut down 
the car.  And I find the after-run water pump is not activating.

Audi godz, I will do my part.  I will search the stinkin' archives 
and find the mystic info imparted recently by others.  And I will get 
the fan and water pump working.

And while I'm at it, I will call the shop and ask them to have 
another look for the small clunk I'm hearing.  That should cost me 
another day or two without the car.

And THEN, when I have this stuff done, would you mind giving me just 
a SMALL break????

May be a long, hot summer here in Tejas, friends......

Al Powell, Ph.D.                 Voice:  409/845-2807
107 Reed McDonald Bldg.          Fax:    409/862-1202
College Station, TX 77843      