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[Fwd: Upcoming TSD Rally]

Hi All,

Here is some information on an upcoming TSD Rally in NH this coming

Rally On.

Bob W.

On this coming Saturday, June 21, 1997, the New England 
Region, SCCA, and the Touring Club of New England will 
be putting on The Longest Day, a straightforward TSD rally 
of about 205 miles. The rally will start in Bow, NH (just 
south of Concord).

The rally will be headquartered at the Hampton Inn, exit 1 
off of I-89. Telephone number for the Inn is 1-603-224-5322.
Friday night registration will be open from 7:30PM to 9:30PM. 
Vera Shanov will be conducting a rally school for novices 
starting at 8:00PM. 

On Saturday, registration will be open from 7:30AM to 8:30AM.
First car will be off at 8:31, and will finish at approximately 5:45PM.
Awards will be made at the Hampton Inn at 8:00PM.

For additional information contact the rallymaster, Fred Mapplebeck, 
at 603-880-1620 or via email at derfrally@aol.com.