On this coming Saturday, June 21, 1997, the New England
Region, SCCA, and the Touring Club of New England will
be putting on The Longest Day, a straightforward TSD rally
of about 205 miles. The rally will start in Bow, NH (just
south of Concord).
The rally will be headquartered at the Hampton Inn, exit 1
off of I-89. Telephone number for the Inn is 1-603-224-5322.
Friday night registration will be open from 7:30PM to 9:30PM.
Vera Shanov will be conducting a rally school for novices
starting at 8:00PM.
On Saturday, registration will be open from 7:30AM to 8:30AM.
First car will be off at 8:31, and will finish at approximately 5:45PM.
Awards will be made at the Hampton Inn at 8:00PM.
For additional information contact the rallymaster, Fred Mapplebeck,
at 603-880-1620 or via email at derfrally@aol.com.