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Re: IC's the long and the nerdy
At 10:49 AM 6/17/97 -0400, QSHIPQ@aol.com wrote:
Increase the efficiency of the IC, or increase the efficiency of the turbo,
>or best yet, do both. Increasing the efficiency of the IC doesn't require a
>new IC necessarily. Just a better design, the later 200t have it. That's
>what I would do with a stock k26. Increasing the efficiency by size, may
>dictate a visit to your friendly neighborhood KKK turbo dealer.... Hey, why
>not? :)
just hafta ask: how much did Audi learn on IC design by the time they
released my '91 200q?
* linus toy email: linust@mindspring.com *
* mercer island, wa *
* *
* Insanity is doing the same thing you've always *
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