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Re: what is the little badge?
you've probably seen an IA logo. call Ned. if it was on the back of a lt
blue 4kcsq in the Puget Sound area, i wouldn't mess with that car. it has
an IA stage iii mod to its _20v_ turbo (and an IA exhaust manifold with a
bigger turbo). oh--you won't need to worry about running into it for a
couple days--its on it way to Virginia City this afternoon.
At 11:03 PM 6/18/97 -0500, Rusty Rae wrote:
>What is the little badge that is on some audi's It kindof looks like the
>BMW M series badge but it is not the same( funny that!)
>So what are they? Where can I get one That would be fun to have on my
>4000! :]
>maybe not that would just be to forpas!
>Joe Rae
* linus toy email: linust@mindspring.com *
* mercer island, wa *
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