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RE: Detroit to Mt Washington

     Paul Royal wrote:

     "In which case you will drop down through Pennsylvania?? which will
     cost you about 75 extra miles but is probably the most interesting
     route..but the Pennsylvania Police are very proud of their speed
     limits and will extract mnajor funds for speeding...you'll love the
     near billboard size signs that show a silouette of a trooper with
     radar gun and a list of fines. Pennsylvania stuck to 55mph for years
     longer than most states...pretty route"

     Actually, Pennsylvania raised the speed limit to 65 about two years
     ago.  Those big intimidating signs are all gone but the speeding fines
     are not.  If you take I80 across (that is if you make it through all
     the construction in Ohio on the turnpike) you may find that you see
     very few Troopers out to spoil your party.  I did that route last
     weekend from Scranton, Pa and did 85 mph the whole way in a big Dodge
     turbodeisel truck :-) on a Sunday afternoon....

     Canada is nice but it always takes 8.5 hrs to Scranton whereas the
     states can take 7.5 to 9 depending on traffic and # of stops (550
     miles door to door).

     Either way, I hope Brendan and Ingo have a good time and stay away
     from Smokey Bear!!

     Brian Vinson
     Ex- Pennsylvania resident and frequent traveller of the highways
     heading east!