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RE: True Speed/Indicated Speed ???? & some noise
I may be wrong, but I reckon your speedo is reading approx 91%.
96 indicated would be about 105.
It is often said that here in the UK the police allow 10% on speedo readings,
but how many times have I heard 'I was only doing 68 but they did me for 75?'
So, if you allow up to 10% inaccuracy, maybe your speedo is at 82% (117 mph)
or could be pretty close to 100%.
Whichever, they're all Fast and would probably get you banned here - but who
cares? How fast doesn't matter - just as long as its FAST.
Jim Haseltine
88 Ur quattro (270 bhp - FAST)
75 H-D SX175 (quicker than my Colnago)
83 Colnago Mexico (depends how fit I am)