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Re: Specifics on Audi repairs??
On Sun, 29 Jun 1997 01:11:41 -0400 (EDT) Audi200TQ@aol.com writes:
>Someone mentioned in a recent post that the Bentley manual had
>guidleines for body work repair. I would be interested in knowing
>what those
>specifics are. I was also told to find out about the proper process
>'baking' new paint, specifically it was brought to my attention that
>need to be cooled down after this process and not driven for a 'rather
>period of time after baking (in regards to electrical/computer
>components). I
>also noted that there was no alignment done to my car as part of the
> This should have been done, right? There was frame repair done.
>Other questions, should my stereo have been reset after disconecting
> Is the body shop responsible for treating a car a certain way during
>stay there? For example, my car sat outside all winter. No coolant
>changed during this time, like i usually would, but since the accident
>happened in August it wasnt necessary at the time. My rotors are
>rusted, even if its just surface rust, it will eat away at my pads.
>emergency brake is now rusted solid, who carries the responsibilty?
>kind of ill effects can come about from a car that was improperly left
>to sit
>outside all winter? Should my inspection sticker have been removed?
>Any emails or copies of these specs would be greatly appreciated.
>Brian (sorry for all these questions)
Even if all your questions are answered by the all-knowing
be wasting your time and effort and worse putting your life
in jeopardy if in the end you end up driving that car.
Question for you:
If you had surgery for your leg and the doctor amputated
the leg instead and worse it was the wrong leg, would you
have wasted all these time arguing with the HMO, the doctor,
and the hospital? Would you have asked a list (i.e. med.com)
the specifics on arthroscopy, endoscopy, proctoscopy? Would
you have asked the specifics on rapid induction anesthesia?
The right blade for BKA (below knee amputation)?
Most probably you would have hobbled in your remaining
bad leg to the best lawyer you can find in Massachusetts.
This is NOT a flame, Brian. I am very much concerned
that you are not represented by a lawyer. There are more
frivolous lawsuits out there than valid ones. Yours appear
to be a valid one.
Get a lawyer!
'90 V8q (ticked off because of high malpractice insurance
and frivolous lawsuits)