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Re, Re, my first question
Phil and Judy Rose suggested I check the four function temperature
switch on the underside of the radiator hose housing as a fix for my 86
5000 air conditioner.
As far as the temperature gauge malfunction, Phil/Judy were 100%
correct. When I peeled back the rubber it was a mess. Apparently
coolant has been seeping through the switch for awhile. It wasn blue,
green yuck inside and three of the four wires were broken, coroded off.
Shorting two wires caused the gauge to move. Shorting any all of the
others had no effect on my compressor though. If I want my gauge to
start working, I'll replace it, but I probalby won't, especially at $88.
A suggestion from Autosports in Zeeland, Michigan, was to check the
overpressure switch located on the condensor/condenser? (the thing in
front of the radiator by the drying thing.) (how's my terminology?)
Disconnecting it and jumpering had no effect. I found another connector
in the same area and disconnected it. Viola, the compressor started to
run. Reconnecting it had no affect, so I stopped the engine and
restarted and tried the air again. No luck, and disconnecting the same
connector had no affect. By the way it was the connection to the
outside temp sensor which, per the diags, reads correctly. The diags
also tell me the control head is fine with a 00 reading.
Autosport told me pin 8 of the control head went through the pressure
switch to relay 11. He wasn't sure, but it might have gone through
something else. He also mentioned a relay on the carrier under the
dash. Haven't checked that yet. Heck of a nice guy, spent a 1/2 hour
with me. I might even be prompted to buy something from him out of
Now that I know several things that it isn't, what if I connected a wire
directly from pin 8 to the control side of relay 11? Anybody with a
good schematic confirm this for me? I didn't re post my original, but
if this relay is manually closed (by pinky) (my test relay has no
cover), the compressor works fine and the car gets cool.
I was also thinking of runing wires from the relay contact inside to a
switch and turning it on. Only problem is I don't know if the
compressor will cycle or it is depending on this relay to do the
cycling. I could do the cycling myself, but I am sure to get
distracted, leave it on too long and blow up the compressor.
Anyone with any other suggestions? I could really use the air this
holiday weekend as I have to take a 7 hour trip.