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Holiday 4kq story

Hi all,

Hope everyone had a nice 4th of July holiday.  Had nothing to do
yesterday, so decided to take a short (about 250 mi) trip.  On the way
back, I ran into heavy holiday traffic crawling at about 25 MPH when I
saw a Colorado licensed 4kq the same exact color as mine.  He was about
3 car lengths ahead in the middle lane and I'm in the right.  I wiggle
around some cars in front of me and pull up right next to him.  Its hot
and his windows are rolled down, so I roll mine down and yell out "NICE
CAR!".  He laughs and yells back "'85?" and I yell back "YEAH '85". Then
he yells "WHERE DO YOU GET YOUR SERVICING DONE?" I laugh and tell him
and  as I pass him to take the next off ramp I can hear a loud ticking
sound coming from his engine.  Kinda says it all.

'87 5kTQ
'85 4kcsQ
'80 5ks
Tony Lum				tlum@ascor-inc.com
Systems Administrator	Ascor, Inc.	Fremont, CA  USA

"We are all novices. Only the dead have nothing left to learn."