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Audi upholstery

In message <970712025902_1657006270@emout07.mail.aol.com> Kwattro@aol.com writes:

>> his first call to the local dealer for pricing on...anything!
> Try the center driveshaft for a 4000CSQ.

Kid's stuff.

New gearbox for an ur-quattro - $10,600.
New hood for a Sport - $11,500.

Actually, a little unfair.  Audi (UK) has no record of ever shipping a 
replacement gearbox, despite having imported 2 1/2 thousand cars over the years.
It's the trivial stuff that gets you.  The inlet hose (just a piece of rubber, 
albeit a funny shape) at $160.  The hose used to transport vacuum around the 
car for various purposes at $10 a metre.  The oil cooler pipes, and the window 

No wonder there's a flourishing aftermarket.  Audi (UK) managed to cut the 
price of OEM exhaust manifolds by 45% after Dialynx proved they could make and 
market one.
 Phil Payne
 Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club