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Re: Double de clutching cf blipping throttle.

Dear QList,

Something that always seems to confuse things is the difference between
purely blipping the throttle between changes and full on double de
clutching. Close pedals allow the technique known as (I am sure you all
know) heel and toeing (not managed it in my car as the pedals are not placed
well for it, at least until I work out a method for making them better
placed, any suggestions?) this is done to smooth quick down changes as rapid
release of the clutch causes a jerk as the engine revs are forced to rise to
match the road speed under heavy breaking (wheel speed/ output shaft speed
etc) as far as I know this is not usually done with the engagement of
neutral (necessitating two depress/release cycles of the clutch) as double
de clutching does. The avoidance of this jerk is important in racing
situations in that it may cause locking of driven wheels promoting
over/understeer depending on front/rear wheel drive (so what would it do in
a quattro folks?) 

Not many people I have spoken to about double de clutching make this
distinction (some previous articles in this thread excepted).  Double de
clutching being a necessity in non synchromesh cars as described well in
other posts, blipping the throttle being a device used to enable both the
brakes and engine to slow a car smoothly. There is a very good description
about heel and toeing in a book owned by a friend of mine (whose title I
have forgotten but if anyone is interested I'll find out tonight and mail it
to the list or individuals on request) about racing technique. Sorry but I
can't afford the proper tuition that will doubtless be recommended upon
reading that I am learning this from books. I blip the throttle all the time
as it allows smoother progress on the roads in some situations. I have heard
that it is a quick way to wreck an engine using it to slow a car as that is
what the brakes are for. It is very much a habit now and will be difficult
to change if it turns out to be so damaging to the engine/drivetrain.

So, does anyone know how to bend/replace pedals such that full on heel and
toeing is possible in my 1985 80 sport and other audis? I've just decided
audis are meant to lead a hard life so don't tell me if blipping the
throttle is bad for my car as when I've mastered heel and toeing it'll make
for smoother quicker progress into bends and a whole load of fun.

Hope this made sense,
