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Re: snap, crackle and pop?

At 11:48 AM -0400 on 7/15/97, Phil and Judy Rose wrote:

> Surely this a thermal expansion (contraction) thing? Problem is that it
> happens so quickly, and it doesn't seem to be coming from the dash or
> engine area where you'd think that sorta stuff would be localized. Anyone
> else hear these AC-related sounds?
Oh, certainly.  This is almost completely normal.  The dash is really hot,
and though you're not feeling any cool air, the air that's getting moved
around is quite cooler than the dash, so it starts to contract.

Never quite heard it described as a "Bowl of Rice Crispies" though!


Brett Dikeman
dikemanb@edison.ma.ultranet.com	dikemanb@stu.beloit.edu
Hostes alienigeni me abduxerunt.  Qui annus est?
Te audire non possum.  Musa sapientum fixa est in aure.