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Hella XL mounting on bumper(help!)

I've asked a few members of the list who I know have done this, but
unfortunately they haven't gotten back to me yet, and I need to do the
installation asap...
I just bought a set of Hella XL's(almost for $12!  It had the wrong label
on it and the scanner thought it was a creeper, and the salesperson didn't
notice, but I felt a sudden surge of honesty) and I'm in the process of
procuring a factory fog light switch(easier said than done...the parts guy
gave me the wrong switch.)
Here's my question:  Eric said that he put his Hella XL's on the bumper
mounting bolts on his 5k...has anyone else done this, particularly on a '87
5kcst?  I haven't been able to get the bolts to budge, and it looks like
the head of the bolt is going to be too large.  What did people do here?
Do you have to replace the bolt with a different one?

Second question:  what's the easiest way to get power for the switch?  I'm
thinking of just stealing power+illumination from the defroster switch,
since it only has to power a relay.

Third(last) question: where's the easiest place to pass the wires through
the firewall?  I spent about an hour poking around here and there, and
didn't see anything obvious.

Thanks in advance!


Brett Dikeman
dikemanb@edison.ma.ultranet.com	dikemanb@stu.beloit.edu
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