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timing belt change interval
In message <l03110701aff29fa0fe1a@[]> Phil and Judy Rose writes:
> How do Audi enthusiasts react to this (timing belt) philosophy:
> "Inspect first--replace only if visibly deteriorated."? (*)
Only Superman has X-ray vision. Besides, engines have a tendency to stop
rotating in the same place each time, and that part of the belt tends to sit
in a curve under tension through a hot-cold cycle, and is then asked to flex
again the next day. Inspect it by all means, but set an absolute upper limit
of 50k miles (my personal opinion - my own ur-quattro sees a new belt a little
more frequently, and the Coupe GT will not see another).
Phil Payne
Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club
(Anyone got a use for a 19mm Allen driver?)