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Re: Fuel injector fan
At 1:16 AM -0400 on 7/19/97, Steve Adams wrote:
> Is the fuel injector fan on my 85 urq supposed to run continually or
> does it operate on a thermostat?
> Doesnt seem to be working at any time. Car has run rough and even
> stalled a couple of times in traffic recently. Seems like fuel
> vapourisation in the 48 C heat we've been having. If I wait 5-10 minutes
> for things to cool down it will eventually start again.
I've always assumed that the blower was there for keeping the injectors
cool after you shut the car off(ie, no air circulating in engine
compartment, injectors right next to the toasty engine block, etc.)
I don't believe it's ever run with the car on...could be wrong though.
> I'm assuming the blower fan is critical to stop vapourisation. Am I
> right or maybe it's something else? Bright ideas please??!
You can check the thermostat...I know that you can check the turbo coolant
pump by shorting out two contacts on one of the thermoswitches(this makes
for a handy way to cool down the engine quickly if you want to work on it!)
and there is probably a similar test procedure to check the wiring etc...
(BTW, my references are to a 87 5kcst)
Brett Dikeman
dikemanb@edison.ma.ultranet.com dikemanb@stu.beloit.edu
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