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Re: More Skoda - no Audi content/Scorpio???
> I am thinking to buy a 88 or 89 Ford (oooops, Merkur) Scorpio with a
> stick to practice as long as I want. Scorpio is a great car in Europe,
> Ford imported it for a short time in the U.S., f***ed up the marketing
> and the cars have virtually no value - I seen one recently with 65K in
> mint cond. for $3K. Any opinion about this?
> George
> '97 A6QW
A great car in Europe !?!?!?!?!?! IMHO as a European dealer I must tell
you that (at least here in Finland) that a Ford Sierra (ho-hum) is a better
car to sell used than a Scorpio - a sight of a scorpio driving onto the lot
usually causes mass exodus of salesmen to bathroom/lunchroom/other
appropriate hiding place. The Scorpio Wagon has at least one virtue -
roominess, but the sedan is a no-goer. The few that we've taken in on
trade seem to have been riddled with problems, but hey, Fix Or Repair
Ford has a good reputation with agricultural machinery, hence the farmers
tend to like Fords, but for those of us who don't list farming as one of
our pasttimes, there's got to be other solutions out there. I'd rather
drive a Volvo if you like the feel of agricultural equipment - avoid the
Jouko Haapanen