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Re: Volvo I-5 Was: Re: 90 90Q 20V vs. 97 S6 vs. 98 A4 30V

> Date:          Mon, 21 Jul 1997 12:23:34 -0400
> From:          Elliott Potter <epotter@abraxis.com>
> Reply-to:      epotter@abraxis.com
> To:            quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> Subject:       Volvo I-5 Was: Re: 90 90Q 20V vs. 97 S6 vs. 98 A4 30V

> >
> I don't know what they based their I5 on, but just how many I5's are
> there?  I'm sure that Audi isn't alone, but I can't think of any others
> (of course aside from Volv's new one).
> Elliott
>  Mid '80's  Mercedes Diesel, Audi, Volvo 850, Acura Vigor- all I5