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S/V 70 (minAudi)

>>> Peter Henriksen <peterhe@microsoft.com> - 7/24/97 1:00 PM >>>
Bzzzzt. Wrong.

The S/V70 models have about 2000 new parts including a redesigned
suspension and much stiffer chassis. Plus the stock full pressure
turbo now has 236 hp instead of 222.

>>Henriksen...hmmmm....perhaps SWEDISH? ;-)
Have to agree with the mechanicals, but have to scoff at the ovloV
marketing (even more than one would at our other fantastic marketing
tool AoA).
I mean come on..."Traditionalists Beware" or something to that
effect.  And then the TV ads have kids dropping their ice cream
because (1) they don't recognize the thing or (2) they're amazed at
its style.
The Bricks have evolved...they've been dropped on concrete so the
corners have rounded a little.  If Volvo made so many changes to the
850, why haven't they given it a new cover as well?
Can't wait to see the new A6/S6 Avants this fall, at least I know
they'll look faster too.
86 VW Qtm Syncro
If I took a sledgehammer to the front fender corners could I call it
the vqs86?