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RE: Headlight covers, Griot's or Stongard???

I have had the lexan/persperex covers on my car for about 7 years now.  I 
haven't had any significant reduction in transparency  since then, though I 
don't ride through the outback (fine grit) or do much dirt road driving.  Fot 
cleaning there is enough of a gap to spray water and soap etc through to get 
most of the dirt off you can also fit a cloth through with a wire or a small 
flexible brush to get dirt and bugs etc.

Though you have identified sources in the US through JC WItney etc. There is a 
source in Alberta Canada for your interest.
Cost is $44.95 CDN ~ $32.80 US for a pair.
They are available for:
 Audi 90 series 93 on,
5000 & 100  to 92
100 series 93 on
5000T & 200 86 up
Autocamping is the supplier, they also sell a lot of VW and AUDI parts at 
pretty good prices.  
However, they don't normally sell retail, so you may need your local shop etc. 
to place the order, I bought from them through the local VW dealer.  Who also 
offered to act as intermediary if required.


From: 	owner-quattro-ne@coimbra.ans.net on behalf of glen powell
Sent: 	July 25, 1997 9:53 AM
To: 	Northwest Audi list; 'James Marriott'; quattro-ne@coimbra.ans.net; 
Quattro list
Subject: 	RE: Headlight covers, Griot's or Stongard???

I've seen Lexan covers that mount in front of the lights.
I bet these are far more effective and would have no
negative effect on temps or bulb life. I don't know where
to get them or the price.
