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200 TQ Driveline

In message <199707301259.AA217817575@dawn.mmm.com> flderoos@mmm.com writes:

> I remember asking the dealer if there were any zerks on the car when I bought it 
> in 1990 and was told that there weren't.  I've also looked through the Bentley 
> and can't find any reference to zerks or routine driveline maintenance. As far 
> as I know, the driveline has never been replaced, unless the dealer did it 
> during routine warranty service during the first three years and didn't tell me 
> and didn't list it on the invoice. Anyway, has anyone else seen this or do all 
> Audi Quattro driveline U-joints have zerks and I've just been blindly ignoring 
> it for seven years? I've never heard anyone in the group talk about this before. 

We talked about it just a couple of weeks ago.  It's a service item (every 
15000km or 10000 miles).  On the ur-quattro microfiche (D 000.5147.60.00) it's 
on frame 39-53, illustration number 39-933.  Use multi-purpose lithium-based 

 Phil Payne
 Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club