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Re: Exhaust

By box I'm assuming your talking about the Catalytic converter.  Yes,
there will be some big problems if you pull it out.  The O2 sensor and
the entire fuel management system is dependend on that box being there.
When you pull it out you probably won't get enough heat for the sensor
to work properly and the system will constantly be giving you the wrong
air/fuel mixture.


PS, if you're not talking about the cat... then cool.

Mike wrote:

> hi,
> I have a standard exhast system on my quattro, but the middle box
> (first)
> box has got a hole in it (due to damage more than rust).
> Can anyone 4see any problems if I remove this box, and just run the
> car
> with the single box at the back of the car?
> I can't see why it would affect the running of the engine, the only
> problem/bonus (depending which way you look at it) is the noise
> factor.
> Michael Burton
> Systems Administrator, PA Data Design
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> 4 Legs   - Black Magic (Blackie)        He's a really rather large
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