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I have a standard exhast system on my quattro, but the middle box (first) 
box has got a hole in it (due to damage more than rust).
Can anyone 4see any problems if I remove this box, and just run the car 
with the single box at the back of the car?
I can't see why it would affect the running of the engine, the only 
problem/bonus (depending which way you look at it) is the noise factor.

Michael Burton
Systems Administrator, PA Data Design
4 Wheels - Audi Quattro			UK Audi Quattro Owners Club
4 Legs   - Dexter			He's a funky kind of horse
4 Legs	 - Black Magic (Blackie)	He's a really rather large 17.2
2 Legs   - Shanks Pony                  Last resort