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Re: ABS light.

At 08:05 AM 8/1/97 -0400, LanganFF@aol.com wrote:
>Can anyone give me a hint as to why my ABS light won;t go off.  I just had
>the bearingsa nd bushings replaced and as I drive away form my garage I
>noticed the yellow light come on. I psuh the button on the dash but i's still
>My usually brilliant mechanic can;t figure it out.

Sounds like your "usually brilliant mechanic" broke something. :-)

The only experience I have with ABS lights coming on is when a wire in one
of the ABS harnesses broke. Its possible (perhaps) that while wrestling
with the bearings, bushings, and what not, one of the ABS harnesses was

Just a suggestion.

Mark H. Granoff                                 Mark.Granoff@Software.com
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