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Just feeling the breath of the Audi Gods...
After a great drive from Burlington, VT to Boston, MA this week-end, I love
my '89 90Q even more. There are, ofcourse, a couple of things that came up
during the drive (which averaged a fairly smooth 85-90 mph thanks to other
folks doing bear-thumping infront of me).
First, when I start driving the Q, it does a quick nose-dive with loss of
power. After a second, it regains its composure and doesn't bother me at
all for the rest of the drive.
Second, the engine temp guage is working very intermittantly. In fact, for
most of the drive, it lay dead. Hopefully, this is just the sensor, but I
figured I'd ask.
Now, the most painful question... My baby had a bit of a run in with the
side of a garage. After walking very quietly away from the driver and
counting to 100, I noticed the damage wasn't extensive. The left front
fender is pinged a bit, but with no hard edges around the damage. Also,
and this is the worst part, IMHO, there is some latex paint scrapped onto
the fender. Does anyone have a hint for how to A) pull out the ping, since
I can't see an easy way to get to the inside of it from the wheel well or
the engine compartment, and B) remove the paint.
'89 90 Q - Cosmetically challenged, but more than a match for the firebird
and trans-am I blew by Sunday
Charles S. D. Bryant
802.865.9974 (Fax)