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engine seems OK

In message <UPMAIL13.199708112039550335@msn.com> "Ian J Haseltine" writes:

> > the right pads were worn _much_ more than the left. 
> I had the opposite, left pads down to the metal, right still ok. 
> Is the handbrake dragging a bit on that caliper?

I don't know.  I was in such a hurry (collect parts from Wellingborough at 
08:30, fit, and make lunch in Slough at 12:30) that I didn't follow the 
"unbedingt erforderlich" instructions on the microfiche to check the 
handbrake's "gleichzeitiges Anschlag auf beiden Seiten".

 Phil Payne
 Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club