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Re: Stalling on 1990 200 tqw

From: "Antilles Engineering, Ltd." <Antilles@madriver.com>

>1.  Idle seems about 600rpm without A/C on.  Bumps up to about 800-900 with
>A/C on.  Likes to stall when engine is still cold.

>2.  Seems to stall (even when engine warm) when swinging to the right at 
>speed  into a parking space. (!)  Yet, doesn't seem to stall when swinging
>into a parking space while turning left.(! ! !)

>3.  Often stalls on decelleration (gear in neutral) while braking to a 

Hello Doug,

Sounds like the ISV (idle speed valve) to me.  This is a throttle bypass for 
the air which is controlled electronically (from the computer in your case). 
 It is a cylinder plumbed into the vacuum pipes near the back of the 
cylinder head.  It might be a connector problem.  Undo it, spray it 
reconnect it and see what happens.  Taking the ISV off and immersing in carb 
cleaner has been known to work.  OTOH, but less likely, it might be the 
drive transistor in the computer.

Item 2 might be caused by the fact that if you are in a LHD country, turning 
right into a parking space requires more steering lock (unless you swing out 
into the oncoming traffic's lane) and therefore more engine load because of 
power steering.  In the UK, the problem would be reversed.

1984 Audi 80 quattro (had problems with ISV relay until I rebuilt it)
1989 Audi 100 Avant (has small stumble problems with ISV - too lazy to fix)