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Replacing valve stem seals

Hi All,

I'm not monitoring the list, for it overloads me and my email capability
when combined with the huge amount of spam I get every day.  Therefore,
please reply to me directly if you can help.

The engine is a 1981 5000 Turbo.  I've replaced the valve stem seals
several times myself, but I have several questions on it and invite ideas
and suggestions.  The main ones are:

1) Does anyone have a definitive way to tell when the valve stem seal
itself is properly seated?  I have a "seating tool", and its directions are
to rap the end of the tool with a rubber hammer....  I've done the complete
job at least 3 times and was always insecure that I had properly seated the

2)  Does anyone have an idea of how to get the seals over the upper end of
the valve stems, where the 3 ridges are, without damaging the seals.  I use
the little plastic straws furnished with the seals but have problems
getting 2 plastic straws to last through the 10 valve stems.

3) And last, but far from least, how can the valve keepers, the split
retainers, be reapplied without losing them and/or one's cool?
Conservatively, I have lost at least 6, apparently none got into places
where they would cause damage.  I fished for them with magnets with no luck
but that's another story.  It's a good case for plugging all holes with
packing rags.

You should know that when reapplying the keepers, it's a one handed job for
me because the other hand is compressing, balancing, and aligning the valve
springs.  My valve compression tool isn't a very good one to say the least.

I'm sure some of you out there have mastered these problems and I invite
your suggestions.

Thanks in advance for your help.


Jim Jordan