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FW: List of Automobile Acronyms - no real content.
Subject: List of Automobile Acronyms
Date: Tuesday, August 26, 1997 9:43AM
Some of these are kinda funny... enjoy!
ÌAll Makes of Cars
ÌAccelerates Under Demonic Influence
ÌBabbling Mechanical Wench
ÌBART / Muni / Walking (transportation in San Francisco)
ÌBasic Marin Wheels
ÌBeastly Monstrous Wonder
ÌBeautiful Masterpieces on Wheels
ÌBeautiful Mechanical Wonder
ÌBig Money Waste
ÌBig Money. Why?
ÌBig Money Works
ÌBlasphemous Motorized Wreck
ÌBorn Moderately Wealthy
ÌBought My Wife
ÌBreak My Windows
ÌBreak My Windshield
ÌBroken Money Waster
ÌBroken Monstrous Wonder
ÌBrutal Money Waster
ÌBumbling Mechanical Wretch
ÌBig Ugly Import Car Killer
ÌBig Ugly Indestructable Car Killer
ÌBig Ugly Indestructable Compact Killer
ÌCan Hear Every Valve Rap On Long Extended Trips
ÌCar Has Extensive Valve Rattle On Long Extended Trips
ÌCracked Heads, Every Valve's Rotten, Oil Leaks Every Time
ÌCHarged HEaVilY
ÌCheapest Heap Ever Visioned Yet
ÌCruddy Hick Engine, Very Yucky
ÌDamn Old Dirty Gas Eater
ÌDead Old Dog Going East
ÌDead On Day Guarantee Expires
ÌDead On Delivery - Go Easy
ÌDead On Delivery, Guarantee Expired
ÌDead Or Dying Garbage Emitter
|Drips Oil, Drops Grease, Everywhere
ÌEvery Day Something Else Leaks
ÌFailure In Automotive Technology
ÌFailure in Italian Automotive Technology
ÌFeeble Italian Attempt at Transportation
ÌFix It Again, Tony!
ÌFix It All the Time
ÌFutile Italians Attempt Transportation
ÌFoolish Italians Attempt Transportation
ÌFast Italian Attack Termite
Ìbackwards --> Driver Returns On Foot
Ìbackwards --> Driver Returned On Foot
ÌFails On Rainy Days
ÌFastest On Road, Dip!
ÌFirst On Race Day
ÌFirst On Recall Day
ÌFirst On Road to Dump
ÌFirst On Rust and Deterioration
ÌFix Or Repair Daily
ÌFlip Over, Read Directions
ÌFound On Road, Dead
ÌFound On a Rubbish Dump
ÌFound Outside Refuse Dump (Ref'use)
ÌFound Outside Rotting Dump
ÌFunny Old Rattling Dump
ÌFraternal Order of Restored DeSotos
ÌFucked On Race Day
ÌFrequent Overhaul, Rapid Deterioration
ÌForwarded Once; Return Denied (Forward Only; Reverse Defective)
ÌFormed Of Rejected/Random/Recessive/Remaindered DNA
ÌFriggin' Ol' Rebuilt Dodge
ÌFix Or Recycle Dilemma
ÌFault Of R&D
ÌFinal Organ of Reproductive Discipline
ÌFollow Our Ruddy Dogsled
ÌFond Of Resonating Decibels
ÌFinally Obsolete Racing Device
ÌFabricated Of Refried Dung
ÌForgot Our Recommended Defaults
ÌFoot On Road Decelerates
ÌFirst Order of Reproductive Discipline
ÌFor Old, Rotten Deadbeat
ÌFlintstone Or Rubble Driven
ÌFireball On Rear Denting
ÌFrequently On Ritalin Designers
ÌFantastically Orgasmic Realistic Dream
ÌFound On Russian Dump
ÌFailed On Research & Development
ÌFatal Oral/Rectal Delivery
ÌFamous Odor Resistant Dog
ÌForlorn, Old, Ratridden Dustbin
ÌFatally Obese Redneck Driver (onboard)
ÌFalling Off: Rusty Door
ÌFree Or Reduced Drastically
ÌForced On Reluctant Drivers
ÌFrequent Opinion: Really Disappointed
ÌFound On Redneck's Driveway
ÌFumes and Odors Readily Detectable
ÌFast Only Rolling Downhill
ÌFeatures O.J. and Ron's DNA
ÌFlipping Over Results in Death
ÌFriends Old Reluctant Dragster
ÌFathers Other Reluctant Dump
Ford Acronyms
ÌF O Return Denied
ÌFound Outside R D
ÌFly Over R D
ÌFailing Out R D
ÌF O Rattling D
ÌF O Run Down
ÌGeneral Maintenance
ÌGarage Man's Companion
ÌGenerally Mediocre Cars
ÌGet More Chicks
Got More Cr*p
ÌGot a Mechanic Coming / Gotta Mechanic Coming
ÌGot Moms Car
ÌHad One Never Did Again
ÌHow Your Usual Nerd Drives An Import
ÌHope You Understand Nothing's Drivable And Inexpensive...
ÌI Race Other Cars
ÌI Run Over Children
ÌI'd Rather Own a Corvette
ÌI'm Really Out of Cash
ÌIt's Really Only a Camaro
ÌItalian Retard Out Cruising
ÌJust Eats Every Part
ÌLong Term Debt
ÌLousy Transportation, Dammit!
ÌLittle Tin Dream
ÌLast Try from Detroit
ÌLong Time Driving
ÌMost Always Zipping Dangerously Along
ÌMoney Guzzler
ÌMiscellaneous Oddball Parts Assembled Ridiculously
ÌMost Often Passed At Races
ÌMostly Old Paint And Rust
ÌMostly Old Parts And Rust
ÌMy Old Pig Ain't Running
ÌMy Only Problems Are Repairs
ÌOne Leak, Dead Starter
ÌOld Lemons Dying Slowly
ÌOh, Look, Dammit! Some Massive Oil Burning Idiot's Leaking Everything.
ÌOld Ladies Driving Slowly Make Others Behind Infuriatingly Late Every day.
ÌOld Loose Dented Sheet Metal Out-dated By Infamies Like Edsel.
ÌPut In Nickel To Operate
ÌPlease Let Your Mother Out from Under The Hood
ÌPoor Old Ninny Thinks It's A Cadillac
ÌPuts Out Noxious Toxins In All Cities
ÌPiece Of Retired Scrap, Continually High Expense
ÌProbably Obtained Recently Since Car-owner Hocked Everything
ÌPlainly Runs Only By Exception
ÌSend Another Automobile Back
ÌStupid, Arrogant Arsehole Babies
ÌSuch An Arrogant B**tard
ÌSwedish Automobile - Always Broken
ÌSwedish Automobiles Always Breakdown.
ÌSwedish Automobiles Are Best
ÌSlow And Always Busted
Ì(backwards) U-R-A-Bus
ÌToo Often Yankees Overprice This Auto
ÌVirtually Worthless
ÌVery Wobbly
Ì(BEETLE) Battered Everywhere, Expect To Lose Engine