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Re: open door stop adjustment?

On Tue, 02 Sep 97 15:25:23 -0500, you wrote:

>I ask this every few months in hopes of some BTDT out there.
>Anybody know how to stop those little levers and springs that hold the door
>open (note: 82 coupe) in two positions from making a dreadfully loud
>clicking noise?  (and the answer isn't lubrication)

I have no specific knowledge of your cars stop mechanism. However,
the general principle is that slop has developed in a pivot point due to wear.
When the overcenter (or similar) spring action operates, the slack is taken
up with a snap, crackle or pop. For example, in my venerable 2002, there
is a pin and bracket pivot in which the bracket hole has been worn to
a larger diameter forming a small clearance to the pin, maybe 0.01 inch.
That's all the slop needed to generate a loud pop as the spring tension
suddenly shifts from door closing to opening mode. The fix in my
case was to ream the bracket to precisely fit a larger diameter pin.
The game is to identify the problematic clearance in the mechanism
and devise a means to close it.  Best luck,
