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WAH - Weird Audi Happenings
Here is a bazaar one for you;
- 5000tq-'86 had michlin man (intercooler to intake manifold) vacuum leak for
months; marginal hole but did not allow turbo boost.
- Replaced hose, regained boost HOWEVER-- car bucked and spit at anything
approaching one atmosphere and above. Checked mightily for other vacuum
leaks, found none. milage down 10%, starting fine. never an engine light to
draw codes from
- Weeks later, I experienced a 'pop' that sounded like a backfire into the
intake manifold and, all of a sudden, the engine started responding properly
to the turbo boost
- Been fine for days
- Any clues? should i wait for other problems or bring'er in to see Otto &
Deiter. Although you may not realize it from the above, I am a fair backyard
mechanic with a few engine rebuilds under my belt (non - Audi)