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Help with parts !!!

In message <970909035832_-1333186238@emout06.mail.aol.com> AllysonCA@aol.com writes:

> Now my problem. My friendly Audi repair man damaged my drivers side rear tail
> light, and it is that neat blackout kind. Any one know where I can get
> another ?

There are two 'neat blackout' kinds.  If the car is a genuine custom build, we 
have to ignore the microfiche and work either from a part number off the light 
or by deduction.  One or two combined stop/tail light bulbs per side?

> Also, I have the talking ( with an English accent) digital dash that still
> talks,  but all the pretty lights decided to fly south for the winter......
> and I desperately need to find someone that can make it work again.

There's a 35-pin connector on the back of the dash - pin 14 is a common chassis 
ground for most of the lights and is documented as going to ground point 8 - 
'behind the dashboard'

 Phil Payne
 Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club