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Re: 5 cyl. head mods/cam questions

Bruce Bell wrote:
> > I think I just made a slight mistake on my exhaust system. The sound is a bit loud, > > but my problem is I seemed to have lost torque, especially in lower RPMs. I knew > > this was goin to happen, as this is the case when we build and race VW's and put on > > larger piping and free-flow mufflers.
> This is very interesting. I Installed an exhaust from an ur q (thanks Ben)
> on my 4kq. It is a bolt on accept for the rear exit at the valance. My
> torque is up quite significantly (4-5%) at 2800-3500 rpm, and very down in
> the 4000-4800 rpm range, above that it is way up. Go figure.  I have had
> the Schrick 272 for some time now 

I recently backed off the timing on my coupe a bit (probably from 20 deg
to 15) to see if it would clean up my slightly stumbling idle.  It did. 
It also totally changed the torque curve - more low end, a bit less in
the middle, hard to tell up top.  I have a 4kq em/downpipe but basically
stock (tiny) coupe pipes from there back.  Also my mpg has dropped from
a summer high of 27.5 to about 26.

Anybody know what dist timing advance yields the smoothest torque curve
with various (any) exhaust, cam setups on the na l-5?

Huw Powell
HUMAN Speakers


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