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no power brakes on C-GT

Well, I've decided that the best way to describe the problem with my
brakes is to say that they are "unassisted".

The pedal is (very) FIRM, and it feels like I would imagine it would
feel if they were not power brakes.

Would that be the vacuum booster?  I thought so, but when I took the
"tap-tap-tap" pushrod out of my '85 Coupe, it did not get this difficult
to stop, so I don't think that's it.  But...

Is there a vacuum hose(s) I can check for leaks to help diagnose?  Is it
the master cylinder?  Is there a danger of the brakes failing totally?

Pretty soon I'll have to do some left foot braking, so my calves (sp?)
do get too assymmetrical!

BTW, is it worth it for me to try to get a used, junkyard engine mount? 
Would one from the boneyard be just as bad?  Does anyone have a source
for cheap ones?  I was quoted a best price of about $68.

And, how does the thermostat go in?  Mine's got the arrow on the top,
with the frame positioned horizontal.  I thought I saw in the Bentley or
Haynes a picture of it mounted vertical.  (I know the spring goes into
the block.)


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