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Popping sound...?

In my trouble shooting efforts I have discovered, that when the car is
(cold start) and I rev the engine (moving throttle linkage with hand)
the engine
will bog down and make a loud "pop" sound, seems to come from arount
the throttle body area, it will to do so until it warms up, after that
it runs like a charm. I had an exact experience like this before with my
wife's Camaro, when I stepped on the gas I would get a hestitation
(which I also do with the Audi) then I would hear a "pop". Turns out the
fuel pump was going bad and wasn't pumping
fuel at the right pressure. I wonder if the Audi is having the same
problem. I do
have a pump on order so hopefully it will fix it. Has anyone had this
same type of exp?

90 200 T FWD