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RE: front speakers on 4kcsq

The speakers are removed from the underside of the dash.  To access the
drivers side speaker remove the kick panel under the steering column -
going from memory here, should be three screws at the front seam where
it joins w/the instrument cluster, and one way up in the back of the
"storage area".  You then remove the air vent - little tabs, 2 on top 2
on bottom, that you squeeze  from the backside of the dash then push the
vent out the front- and you have access to the speaker.  Passenger side
is accessed by removing the glovebox then the vent.
chris perry

>-----Original Message-----
>From:	Mausoof Saqib [SMTP:MausoofSaqib@JDCORP.deere.com]
>Sent:	Wednesday, September 17, 1997 12:25 PM
>To:	'quattro@coimbra.ans.net'
>Subject:	front speakers on 4kcsq
>Anybody installed front speakers on a 4kcsq. My 87' front speakers are
>in bad shape, bought new ones, went to Best Buy and the guy said he
>could not do it. I have searched the archives but could not find a
>installation tip. How do they come out? IS there a trick, does the whole
>dashboard needs to be pulled out.
>Saqib Mausoof
>87 4kcsq