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Audi vs. Subaru

We have both an Impreza and an A4Q.  The high-end Impreza is available with
a 2.5 boxer4 at 165hp.  We have a non-turbo 2.2 (137hp).  The A4Q has a
2.8L six, the most powerful engine for it in America, at 172hp.

The Audi has a much smoother torque curve, and is more refined and handles
a hell of a lot better.  The Suby is still miles ahead of the other cars
we've had or looked at recently, including anything by Honda, Ford
(including my Escort and a '97 Mustang we drove for a week), a '96 Saturn
SC2 coupe we just dumped, etc.

Both companies are tops, but we get much better service from Audi dealers.
We haven't needed much service on either.  both cars are nice and refined,
but the Audi is more so, in every way.  The AWD is unobtrusive in both, but
as I've noted before, the Audi seems more connected to it (a good thing).
However, also note that the Suby is automatic, the Audi is not, so direct
comparisons are difficult.  

BTW, in America, Suby has two AWD systems.  The automatic has a
computer-controlled planetary gear system, which is superior to the viscous
damping for sticks they have.  I prefer the Audi torsen.


Kakarott <ren@alles.or.jp> wrote:
>Maybe I'm getting off target here, but my curiosity has been roused by
>the Volvo vs. Audi thread. Living here in Japan the Subarus are VERY
>popular, especially the Impreza WRX and the Legacy Touring Wagon  (both
>280+ps). I'll be going back to the states in the spring and my heart
>desires an Audi Quattro (poss. 200tq 20v) but some part of me seems to
>hesitate. I have owned an Audi Coupe Gt and several VW GTI's. The VWs
>have been great, the Audi lots of electrical problems. Fellow listers
>seem to have enough negative things about Audi affordability (maint.) to
>scare me away from them.  Well, now I have saved a good amount here and
>I can buy the vehicles I want when I return. Still, I am seriuosly
>intrigued by the Subaru offerings. Does anyone have any experiences to
>share about performance, flavor, relative cost to own, etc. I yearn for
>German, but the PIA factor maybe too high for me now. Subarus rally
>success is convincing as well.