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Re: <Audi> Installing STEADIRIC suspension

> 1. "Remove axle/bolt washer".  Can you re-use that bolt?  Bentley
> contradicts itself.

You should replace it.  It's self-locking.

> 5. "Remove ball joint bolt".  Re-usable?  Also, I can't find a torque spec.

Nope.  It gets pretty mangled.

> 6. "Use length of pipe approx 5ft long & press down on stabilizer bar to
> separate joint".  Now this is *hokey*.  Will a good ol'murrican ball joint
> separator work?  Or a pickle fork?  Is this ball joint a good thing to
> replace?

You can't replace it without replacing the entire control arm.
And they are $110 plus... so you really don't want to hurt that
ball joint... the pipe on the stabilizer works fine... soak the
joint in penetrating oil overnite first - they can rust in
place.  Also make sure the steering is pointing straight ahead
at this point, especially if you like to turn it to make it easy
to get at the caliper bolts ;-).
