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substitute hydraulic oil

Ref:  Your note of Thu, 25 Sep 1997 19:44:27

Dave, I referenced Ringlien's old post about other possible substitutes
(I've checked out none), but I'm not Bob.  Let me know what you find for
the tractor juice:  price per gallon or five, if you could.  I too am
not very far from an equipment dealer.

I was inquiring about SWEPCO 715, of which I still have two unopened
quarts.  I've received no other replies, nor have I received the
compatibility info the parts place was to fax.  Their window blurb was
just a copy of the lable info.  I'll post more if I get more.

Any body familiar with this SWEPCO stuff?

Date: Thu, 25 Sep 1997 19:44:27
To: Steinbru@VNET.IBM.COM
From: Dave Conner <conner@grinten.cfm.ohio-state.edu>
Subject: Re: Pentosin Substitutes

Thanks a bunch Bob.
I'm gonna hie myself on down to the Ford equip dealer next chance I get.
I'm sure others also appreciate you sharing this with the list.
Dave C.
David Conner  Columbus, OH
'87 5KS,  '89 100E, both w/ Boge TG
'86 4KCSQ w/Koni's & freeflowin' exhaust...Yeee Haaa!