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RE: Used Cars Stories (was: Coupe update)

From: 	owner-quattro@coimbra.ans.net on behalf of Phil Payne

>The 'pearl white' (actually several different 'whites') that Roger Galvin and 
>went to see in Leeds has noisy lifters.  I think the salesman was quite taken 

>aback that we were appalled by the paintwork but not in the slightest 
>bothered by the lifter rattles coming from the engine. 
In the latest advert now a 'very collectable car' and 'must be seen'.
BTW, the asking price is down to 11495GBP. As the price has dropped by 500GBP 
in 12 months, give it another 10 years and it will be about right.
Jim Haseltine
88 Ur quattro