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Re: 86 5ktq starting hard

At 12:12 AM 10/1/97 -0700, you wrote:
>>  For example, I go to work at 8am, starts fine.  I go to lunch at 1pm  starts
>> like poop.  I go home from work at 5pm, starts fine.  I go out after work at
>> 7pm  starts fine.  The
>> next day it started fine in the morning but hardly started, took at least 5-6
>> attempts, at all at 1pm when I went to lunch again....frustrated.
>My coupe has this neat trick.  When no one else is around, it starts like
>flipping a switch, click-Vrooom!  When there are (even innocent) bystanders,
>rr-rrr-rrrr-rrr-rrr-hiccup-vrrrr to an unsteady idle.  I guess it's just a
>little shy.
>But seriously, you may be getting a little bit of fuel vaporisation lock at the
>injectors.  How to fix it?  I dunno.  I think they made shrouded injectors to
>help with this, but your car probably already has them.  Good luck.
>Huw Powell
>HUMAN Speakers
When I experienced these symptoms, I ran some Techron through the tank and
they miraculously disappeared.


Ralph Poplawsky
'91 200TQ